Friday, 10 January 2025

Dirtywave M8 Shortcuts

Some basic commands for using the Dirtywave M8
This is a tracker style synth.
It has just 8 buttons, so its essential to memorize shortcuts to
be able to master this device.

The two top right buttons:
[EDIT] Start editing a value; also functions as a “YES” or “ENTER”
[OPTION] Varies depending on context; also functions as a “NO” or “EXIT”

*Select: Shift + Option 
*Copy: Option
*Cut (Clear value): Option + edit
 {song, chain, phrase, and table “grid” views.
   On selection mode it cuts the selection into 
   the copy buffer.}
*Paste: Shift + Edit
 {On any view with a grid}

If you are running the headless version on a PC:
The arrow keys are for direction.
The space bar = play
Shift = shift
Z= option
X = Edit

Select, cut & paste:

1. Select a cell: Shift + Option 
    (in order to copy something you first need to select it)
2. Use the direction keys to expand the selection up or down, left or right.
3. Cut: option + edit
4. Paste: Shift + Edit

Select, copy & paste

1. Select a cell: Shift + Option 
2. Use the direction keys to expand the selection up or down, left or right.
    or Shift + (option) x2 will select the row.
3. Copy: Option
4. Paste: Shift + Edit
    {Pastes whatever is stored in the copy buffer that was copied in selection mode.}

To move selected cells to another place:

1. Highlight your selection
    Shift + Option
2. Hold down the EDIT button
3. use UP/Down to move the selection.
4. Drop the selection: Option

Cloning a Chain
Shift + Option + edit
{This copies the contents of the selected chain
into a new chain number. (I.e. “clone”)}

Cloning a Chain + Phrases (deep clone)
Shift + Option + edit + edit
{This copies the contents of the selected chain and the contents of all phrases 
inside the chain into a new chain and phrases. (I.e. “deep clone”)}.

Navigating effects

In phrase view move cursor to one of the Effects lanes
Edit + one of the arrow keys.

Up or down will take you to The FX menu.
left / right will scroll through the Fx

Touch screen

To edit quickly, hold down EDIT and touch the screen
[OPTION]+[OPTION]+[OPTION] Creates or removes a “bookmark” to mark a chain.

Wednesday, 13 November 2024

NLC - Is Carp Lust Wrong? - Build notes

These are my build notes for the nonlinear circuits "Is Carp Lust Wrong?" module.
It's a eurorack module. 

What exactly is it? 
It's a module loosely based on the Karplus Strong algorithm.

Karplus Strong is a pretty obscure synthesis method developed in the 1980s and used in physical modelling mainly of plucked strings
It was named after its principal inventors, Kevin Karplus and Alex Strong.
Think about how a acoustic string instrument works. 
When you first pluck the string it vibrates like mad. It has waveforms which are rich 
in harmonics. These initial waveforms are determined by  the mass and tension of the string. 

After being plucked, the string looses energy over time and becomes less complex, resulting in a "purer" tone with fewer harmonics. Eventually, the vibration stops, when all the energy is gone.

Basically the module works by exciting the delay with a burst of noise and running the feedback up...& changing the delay time to change the pitch and tone.

+ BOM..

Some of the parts aren't super common so I'll probably need to do a order from mouser 
(or your fav supplier) I think.

LM78L05 - +5V voltage regulator

LM13700M... yes

555 timer .... its a NE555 (yes)

BC857 x5 , BC847 x4

S1JL rectifier (the dot is the cathode)
                                                                                                                                Diodes = LL4148

Waiting for parts....

V3207 or V3205 BBD chip ... order  ... you only need one of these !!!!

The V3207 is a cool audio replacement for the 1024-stage BBD analog delay Panasonic MN 3207 chip.
I ended up buying a DIP 8  coolaudio V3205 chip on ebay.

5v1 zener...on order ... tayda

I ended up using a 5V6 zener

J309 FET 

CD 40106



Friday, 8 November 2024

Aussie Wigglers Shoegaze Challenge - Ed vs Jono

The result of nights jam using a Alesis A6 and and a Zool multistomp pedal..

so lush ... i could have been fooled into thinking I have a CS 80

Monday, 2 September 2024

ELK Elektroniks - KOLOR Module - update

 Some updates for the new LED KOLOR module.
This is a eurorack module designed to control LED strips, squares, etc.


The module will be released as a kickstarter project.
More info can be found at Ed's official website

Londinium profile

Londinium is a brand of coffee machine that hail from the UK.

They primarily focus on lever machines.

These machines have become famous for their unique style of shots
to the point that many baristas have tried to emulate the 
"Londinium shot" on other machines.
My moddified Gaggia Classic has a "Londinium Profile".
The Decent also has something similar.

So what is it?
It's a spring lever machine that uses pressurised pre-infusion at the beginning..
The technique it uses is something like a GS3 puck slam.
It really slams the puck with something like 25mls of water.
This very fast and early saturation of the puck compresses it much faster than is usual leading to a denser & thicker starting pour.
It's sometimes called a "water hammer".

The adapted "Londinium profile" for a standard lever machine involves
quickly hitting the puck with pressure (about 3-4 bar) and holding it there.

3 Bar appears to be the perfect pressure to balance capillary preinfusion with pressure preinfusion.
(3 Bar is also common in "Blooming profiles").
This gets the water through the puck evenly & quickly will minimal channeling.

The initial flow rate will be really low ... about 8ml/s (0.3 to 0.5g/s) range.

This will give you a beautiful thick top to your espresso.

After this, ramp up to 9 bar, then gradually drop back to zero
as the puck degrades.
Try to keep the flow rate constant during this second stage.
This second stage has much less body.

When you drink a shot like this it feels super creamy due to the thick top of the preinfusion.

In summary:
1. Pre-infuse:  8 ml/s, low pressure & hold at 3 bar.
                   (About 13 secs)

2. Post infusion: raise pressure and hold at 9 bar.
3. Final stage: decline to 3 bar.

You need to monitor the flow in these last stages.
Your aim is to keep the flow at about 2g/sec (2ml/sec).

This profile works really well on dark to medium roasts.
Usually, I aim for a 1:2 ratio

One important think to note is that although I use the measurement of pressure alot, what is also important is flow.

Pressure = flow x resistance

This type of shot is really tasty with milk based coffee like Latte

Wednesday, 21 August 2024

Coffee growing and Altitude

 Altitude plays a crucial role in coffee cultivation, significantly affecting the flavor profile and overall quality of the beans. Coffee plants are sensitive to altitude, and different altitudes produce beans with distinct characteristics. Here's how altitude influences coffee growing:

1. Temperature and Climate
High Altitudes: Coffee plants thrive at elevations ranging from about 2,000 to 6,000 feet (600 to 1,800 meters) above sea level, though some of the best beans come from even higher altitudes. At higher elevations, temperatures are cooler, which slows down the coffee cherry's ripening process. This extended maturation allows the beans to develop more complex flavors and acidity, often resulting in a brighter, more nuanced cup.

Low Altitudes: At lower altitudes (below 2,000 feet), temperatures are warmer, which speeds up the growth cycle. While this can lead to larger yields, the beans often lack the depth and acidity of higher-altitude coffees. These beans might have a simpler flavor profile, with lower acidity and a heavier body.

2. Flavor Characteristics
High-Altitude Coffee: Beans grown at higher elevations tend to have more vibrant acidity, floral notes, and complex flavor profiles. They often showcase bright, crisp tastes with more pronounced flavors such as fruity, citric, or even herbal tones. For example, coffees from regions like Ethiopia, Colombia, and Guatemala are often grown at high altitudes and are known for their clean, crisp flavors.
Low-Altitude Coffee: Beans from lower altitudes typically have a fuller body and lower acidity. They may be smoother but can lack the bright flavors associated with high-altitude beans. Some coffees from low altitudes are characterized by earthy, chocolatey, or nutty flavors, and they can have a more subdued, rich profile.

3. Growing Conditions and Stress
Coffee plants growing at higher altitudes experience more stress due to cooler temperatures, which makes them hardier and results in better flavor development. Stress, in this case, helps the plant produce more complex compounds that contribute to better flavor.
Air Pressure and Oxygen: At higher altitudes, there is less oxygen, which can slow plant growth. However, this stress causes the plant to concentrate its energy on producing high-quality cherries rather than growing larger. This results in smaller, denser beans with more concentrated flavors.

4. Regional Differences
Coffee-growing regions at higher altitudes, such as the Andes in South America, Ethiopian Highlands, or Costa Rican mountains, are renowned for their premium coffee. Each region's unique climate, soil composition, and altitude interact to create specific flavor profiles:
Ethiopia: Known for its high-altitude coffees, Ethiopian beans are often fruity and floral with a bright acidity.
Colombia: Grown at varying altitudes, Colombian coffees can range from bright and fruity at higher altitudes to more mellow and balanced at lower elevations.
Costa Rica: Coffee from Costa Rica's volcanic highlands is typically characterized by bright acidity, fruity flavors, and a medium body.
Other high altitude regions: Keyna, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Java, 
Sulawesi (Indonesia)

5. Challenges of High-Altitude Growing
While high altitudes offer better flavors, they also present challenges for farmers:

Frost: At very high altitudes, there is the risk of frost, which can damage coffee plants.
Harvesting: The cool temperatures at higher altitudes can mean that coffee cherries ripen more slowly, requiring careful timing for harvesting. In some cases, cherries may need to be picked in multiple stages.

6. Altitude and Coffee Varieties
Different coffee varietals may also thrive at specific altitudes. For instance, some varieties of Arabica coffee, such as Typica or Geisha, are especially prized for their flavor when grown at high elevations, while other varieties like Robusta are typically found at lower altitudes due to their resistance to heat and pests.
Arabica coffee (being more susceptible to disease and pests than Robusta), avoids problems by growing at higher altitudes, where disease and pests can’t survive.
The  common altitude ranges from 800 to 1,400 meters above sea level for Robusta and 2,300 to 6,000 metres above sea level for Arabica.

It is considered a high elevation country when the altitude is 4000 feet ( ̴1200 meters), and any coffee produced in these conditions is dense and desirable. However, some countries such as Ethiopia produce coffee at elevations as high as 6000 feet ( ̴1800 meters ), while 3000 feet ( ̴ 900 meters) is considered high in Central America.

As a general rule:
5000 ft /1500 m and above - the coffee in these conditions has Complex, Floral, Fruity, Acidic, and Spicy flavors. Coffee from Colombia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Guatemala, Papua New Guinea, and Sulawesi are famous for these flavor profiles.
4000 ft /1200 m - the coffee has Nutty, Vanilla, Cocoa, Citrus, and Earthy tasting notes. Countries like Costa Rica, Java, Sumatra, Nicaragua, and Mexico Altura produce coffee with these notes.
3000 ft /900 m - coffees from this altitude are usually Sweet and Smooth common to coffees from Brazil, Bouma, Santos.
2500 ft /700 m - the coffee is Mild, Soft, and Simple. A classic example of this is the Hawaiian Kona coffee.
2000 ft /600 m and below - coffees from very low elevations are typically plain and bland.

In summary, altitude is a key factor in determining the flavor profile, quality, and characteristics of coffee. Higher altitudes generally produce more complex, acidic, and flavorful coffees, while lower altitudes result in smoother, less acidic beans. The combination of temperature, air pressure, soil, and altitude all work together to create the unique flavors associated with different coffee-growing regions.

It should be remembered however that altitude alone doesn't guarantee a high-quality cup of coffee. Other factors that affect the flavor of coffee include: 
Roasting: The skill of the roaster is important for unlocking the full complexity of the coffee. 
Brewing: High-altitude coffee can be more challenging to brew. 
Climate and pressure: The temperature, climate, and pressure of the place can affect the development of the coffee. 

The world's largest coffee producer, Brazil is known for the quality and volume of its coffee. Brazil's coffee is grown in rich, fertile soil and at low altitudes. The country is also known for drying its coffee cherries in the sun, which is different from most other coffee-producing countries.