Saturday 23 June 2018

Radio Music - Chord Organ - SD card

I had a problem with my whole modular booting up today.
After unplugging many modules, I traced the problem to my Chord Organ module.
This was unusual, as it was working before. 
Initially, I suspected a hardware problem, but it turned out to be a failed SD card.

Interesting that a simple faulty card had caused my whole system to crash.

So this was a good opportunity to refresh the card file
The SD card needs to be populated with a simple text file.
Place it the root of the SD card

suggestions from James Bernard:

(just copy the 16 lines onto your text file).

1. [0,4,7,12,0] Major
2. [4,7,12,16,-5] Major inv 1
3. [7,12,16,-5,0] Major inv 2
4. [-12,-8,-5,0,4] Major inv 3
5. [-8,-5,0,4,7] Major inv 4
6. [-5,0,4,7,12] Major inv 5
7. [0,4,7,11,0] Major 7th
8. [4,7,11,0,16] Major 7th inv 2
9. [7,11,0,16,19] Major 7th inv 3
10 [-12,-8,-5,-1,0] Major 7th inv 4
11 [-8,-5,-1,0,4] Major 7th inv 5
12 [-8,4,7,11,23] Major 7th no root
13 [0,0,0,0,0] Root
14 [-24,-12,0,12,24] organ
15 [-8,-5,4,7,16] Major no root
16 [-12,0,0,12,24] 2 up 1 down octaves




+ everything outside the brackets is ignored 
+ Chords are described in numbers:
      0 is the root
     12 is a octave above
    -12 is an octave below.
     Max 16 chords
     Max 8 notes per chord.
Try to give all chords the same number of notes. This reduces "clicks" when a chord is changed.

Another example

1. [0,4,7,12,0] Major
2. [0,3,7,12,0] Minor
3. [0,4,7,11,0] Major 7th
4. [0,3,7,10,0] Minor 7th
5. [0,4,7,11,14] Major 9th
6. [0,4,7,11,14] Major 9th
7. [0,5,7,12,0] suspended 4th
8. [0,7,12,0,7] Power 5th
9. [0,5,12,0,5] Power 4th
10 [0,4,7,8,0] Major 6th
11 [0,3,7,8,0] Minor 6th
12 [0,4,7,10,2] Dominant 9th
13 [0,4,7,10,1] Dominant minor 9th
14 [0,7,9,1,4] Elektra chord
15 [0,8,11,4,9] Farben chord
16 [0,4,7,10,3] Dominant seventh sharp nine / Hendrix chord
+ Wikipedia List of Chords page
"The column marked “p.c. #s” shows the numbers you need here, in Integer Notation, (with “10” and “11” replaced by “t” and “e”)." (Music thing modular)

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