Saturday 25 January 2020

Fates - a DIY Norms for Rasberry Pi

This page will be for my personal build notes.

There is a 18 week waiting time on the OLED display.
So This build may take a bit of time to finish

to be continued.....
 Download Fates disk image (for pi3 or pi4)
For Raspberry Pi 3b+ (191230 norns 2.2.6)

 download tthis
Use balenaEtcher -

put on sd card
insert into the pi andppower up.

then set up wi fi
ignore  "norns wifi hotspot"

Open a terminal (on tthe PC) then SSH to the Pi

The default norns user is we
The default password is sleep
Thus to connect you will use ssh we@norns.local (or the IP address of the device) and enter sleep

Set your timezone, wifi-country and expand filesystem

Open a terminal, SSH to the Pi and do
sudo raspi-config
first go to Localization Options menu item and select Change Timezone
then repeat with Change WiFi Country

stop !!!
the next part is super impt!!!!!!!
because unless you do this next step, fates will not recognise the rest of your disk.

Then go to Advanced Options and select the first option to Expand Filesystem
Finish and reboot (if not prompted).
(if you dont do this your card will think its full, and you wont be able to save anything.

After these changes, 2 things may happen:
  1. You get a SUPERCOLLIDER FAIL error at the top of the screen. In this case use the norns menu to SLEEP (which shuts the pi down) and then when the led stops flashing, unplug and plug in power once more to restart. At which point you should see option 2 below.
  2. You see NONE listed at the top of the screen. This is normal. Just go to SELECT > AWAKE to start the Awake script.

As of 12-30-2019 DO NOT run the on device SYSTEM > UPDATE from the norns menu.- otherwise this will 'brick' th Fates.

My friend Allinaire has a Fates installed in a performance case

One of the algorithms is based on the game of life.
Cellular Automatia


+ Main site
+ github
1.8V build
+ Build & BOM 1.8

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