Friday 13 January 2017

Minor Chords & Their progressions

 Much dance music is done in the minor key.
Building these chords is a pretty similar process to the major key.
You start with a root note, then count 3 semitones up & then 7 up.
(Major triads : start with a root note, then count 4 semitones up & then 7 up).
So a minor triad chord is built from a root note, a minor third and a perfect fifth. 
G minor is made up of G – Bb – D
Below is a  G minor to f minor progression

we can instead progress to a F major from the G minor just by moving one note:

D minor is made up of the following notes: D, F and A

A minor is made up of the following notes: A, C and E

E minor is made up of the following notes: E, G and B

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