Friday 3 May 2019

Fairlight CMI IIx - Page 6 - Waveform Drawing

Page 6 is all about displaying, manipulating and drawing waveforms.
You can draw your own with a light pen or use a sampled or saved waveform.
Then you can squeeze, invert, rotate, reverse, merge, mix , etc etc waveforms.

Here is the HELP page for page 6

To access page 6 type

To access page 6 help type
To step through the help pages use the ADD & SUB buttons on the keyboard

Here is a typical view of Page 6.
Looks a lot like an oscilloscope

It's a view of the 1st segment of the voice/waveform AAATEST.VC

Below is segment 8

Below are more segments ... 14 & 66

The CMI divides the waveform into 128 segments.
To set the current segment number use  <arrow> keys to tab to the needed segment

Here is the same waveform in Page D
The segments are stacked one in front of the other

Pages D, 4, 5 & 6 are connected ... the 1 waveform will be represented differently in each page and changes made to the waveform in one page will effect the other pages.

The Waveform Graph

The waveform graph displays 1 segment.
Each segment is made up of 128 points

Waveforms can be drawn or altered using either the light pen or the alpha numeric keyboard.
The latter method uses the concept of points and levels.
We assign LEVELS to individual waveform points. The horizontal divisions mark 1, 8, and 16 POINT intervals across the graph.

Points range from 0 - 128
Levels range between -128 & +127

Use the <arrow> key or light pen to tab to POINT / LEVEL.

Theoretically, you could type in the level for each point of each segment........ and repeat this for the entire waveform. This would be a huge and tiresome task though it is very precise..
The light-pen is a much easier option I think.

Join Vs Plot Switch

Join - J<return>         Each point is joined to the last by a straight line.
Plot - P<return>        Each point can be altered without effecting the others

The waveform is not finalised until the FILL command is entered.

Notice the two faders.
These control the stepping rate & the segment number to be displayed.

To display a segment type:
D<return>            displays the current segment
D,s<return>         displays segment (s)
D,s,e<return>      displays segment (s) through to (e)...... s= start, e= end (range 1 to 128)
D,*<return>         displays all segments

When a range of segments is specified as in "D,s,e<return> "
they will be displayed sequentially... called stepping display.

To start/stop the stepping display type:
S<return>           to start
S<return>           to stop when in progress.
The fader sets the time for which each segment is displayed.

The segment section covers:
Display, Zero, Fill and Invert.

Invert simply inverts the phase of the waveform.
For example, the command :    I,85,95<return>
This will INVERT (and automatically FILL) segments 85 to 95.
The ZERO command will zero the waveform and create a NULL voice
For example to silence the waveform:

F,*<return> ...... this second command will fill all segments.

Page6 can generate 3 traditional waveforms with the click of a button (or light pen).
Triangle     TRI<return>
Saw            SAW<return>
Square.       SQ<return>

Pulse width is set using:

Note that the waveform is not affected until you hit FILL
To generate a sine wave you need to use page 5. Use the harmonic faders.


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