Arguably, it's the precursor to all the DAWs we use now.
LOGIC, Abelton, Reaper, etc etc ... all owe their beginnings to this piece of software.
There are 2 parts to it: The Pattern Editor & the Song Editor
This (above) is the pattern view/editor.
The Pattern view consists of 8 individual sequences of notes ... these correspond to keyboard maps provided on Page 3.
You can have up to 255 individual patterns
To tab between each view type:
The SONG Editor is below:
This is used to establish the playing order of the patterns.
Here, you can build, inspect, and modify the song list.
It's basically a list of pattern numbers in the order in which they are played.
To access page R type
To access page R help type
To step through the help pages use the ADD & SUB buttons on the keyboard.
This is the first page of Page 8 Help
The Help Pages are divided between the Pattern Editor & Song Editor Functions.
The Page R uses a RS file.
All the patterns and the playing order for a single piece are stored on a single .RS file
To load an existing .RS file type:
To create a new RS file type:
N(EW),filename,number of patterns<return>.
The number of patterns can range from 1 to 255.
If the no of patterns is not allocated, the CMI will put in as many patterns as it can , depending on available free space (see page 2).
The total no of patterns used and available can be seen in the top right hand corner of the display.
To unallocate unused pattern and free up disk space type:
UN(ALLOCATE),number of patterns,<return>
To add extra patterns type: AD(D)number of patterns,<return>
To display used patterns type: X<return>
For Page R to function correctly, you need to set up Page 3
All loaded voices must have a NPHONY of 1.
Each register must have its own keyboard.
Here is a typical Page 3 view with 8 voices loaded and ready for Page R sequencing.
In the Pattern editor nOTES can be inserted , modified or edited using the light-pen, music keyboard or alpha-numeric keyboard.This is the note editing table:
This opens up if you tab around the page with the numeric keyboard.
I use the ARROW and ADD /SUB keys mostly.
The Song Editor allows you yo build, modify and inspect the song list.There are 3 sections.
The top section is where you will find the name of the song (SAM.RS) its speed, the no of patterns, etc.
The next section is the Song List Box.
It's the list of pattern numbers in the order in which they are to be played.
It can use both Numbers & Letters when naming patterns
It this example, pattern C is played just once.
The bottom box is called the Sections Box.
This groups the individual patterns together.
It uses both Numbers & Letters
A basic pattern can have up to 255 steps.
These basic patterns are identified using numbers.
In this example we have basic patterns 3 through to 11.
But these are grouped into larger patterns under the sections box.
Sections can have 26 patterns (named A to Z).
In this example the Song List Box will tell the Fairlight to play Pattern C once.
However, Pattern C is made up of patterns : B, A, D, A, E , 10, & 11(the numbers under each letter/number are the repetitions of each pattern).
We can break this up further...
Pattern A = patterns 3, 4, 5, 6.
Pattern B = patterns 1, 7.
Pattern D = pattern 2 (played twice).
Pattern E = Pattern 8,9,10,11.
Basic Commands:
1.To load an existing .RS file type: L,filename.RS<return>2.To create a new RS file type: N(EW),filename,number of patterns<return>.
3. To play a RS file type: P<return>
4. To record a RS file type: REC<return>
5. To stop type: S(TOP)<return>
6. To Unallocate patterns type: UN(ALLOCATE),number of patterns,<return>
7. to add extra patterns type: AD(D)number of patterns,<return>
8. To display used patterns type: X<return>
9. To Toggle between the Pattern & song editor type: E<return>
Simply awesome info - thanks. Any details on the "RS" file format? An example would be much appreciated. I am trying out the MAME emulator (every pun intended) having today loaded most of the soundfont samples into an MT32-pi. Amazing what these amazing synths of the day could do - arguably easier than modern menu diving and Cubase BUS settings!