Sunday 27 September 2020

Makenoise 0-coast/0-control - Patches 2

The 0-Control is a very flexible controller.
I love it. Responsive, tactile & beautiful to behold.
It's good to remember these voltages when you're patching it into a modular
It can be clocked really easily. any rising edge trigger/gate above 2V.
The Clock Output is complex : it contains both internal and external clocks, and is affected by the Time parameter. You can of course use both internal & external clocks simultaneously to create really complex rhythms.
The Clock out consists of 0/8V gates.
The reset is unusual as it resets to the last touched plate (not the 1st step). 

  Master clock : clock 0-coast.
  Time controlling multiply .
If the speed knob is fully to the left, then the time knobs will have little effect on tempo/speed.  
(but it seems to add  tiny bit of slide between notes ???)
This frees up CVs from "time" to control other parameters such as "multiply"

The strength knobs effect the envelope ... 
(left = 0 strength, fully right = full strength)

Rather than using the dynamic envelope out of the 0contrl, use the dynamic gate.
The 0-control's 2nd envelope has more controls allowing  for greater variety of envelope shapes.


Connect strength to either  (not both) normal gate or dynamic gate

I prefer using the normal gate since it triggers env 2









Random controls direction.

Random can also be used with overtones, etc


Square wave triggers envelope 1 , which modulates the balance (0-coast mixer)

The "strength" modulates "time" of envelope 1


Time modulates balance 
Dynamic envelope modulates balance
Of course, balance can be modulated by random, EG 1 , etc


Balance #2

A variation of patch 5a
Using the mixer to blend between random and the dynamic envelope.
With a stackable cable you could also add in CVs from the O-control's time section. 

Or you could modulate overtones/MLTPL on the O-coast
with CV from the 0-ctrl or random, Envelope 1 or 2.
So many options 

6. Direction

The 8 gate outputs are really useful.
Use them to trigger envelopes, clock other sequencers,
 change sequencer directions (use a stacking cable)

7. adding rests

The main strength knob needs to just be open enough to let 8V in.
This eg adds rests on step 2 & 6.


Resetting from different gates


One Shot sequences

 Turn interrupt on.
You can play different length sequences on the fly.
Experiment with changing direction

One shot #2
Gate 8 --> stop
Pressure gate  ---> reset
9c .

One shot #3
By patching the pressure CV to time we can  
slow down the sequences by pressing harder
+ 0-control / 0-coast Patches 3

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