Sunday 1 May 2022

THAT - That Analog Thing

The Anabrid THAT computer.
Just purchased one of these.
 Its a Open Source Analog Computer
 By connecting the wires in different ways I can use it to solve all sorts of differential equations.

Analog computers have been around for thousands of years but over the last 70 years
they have been almost completely replaced with digital machines.
We must remember that the world itself is analog, not digital.

In the world of music, synths and electronics there is a constant battle between the two.
Do vinyl records sound better than CD's? 
Are vintage analog synths superior to digital keyboards?
Today, there is a resurgence in analog things and esp in analog computing.
The future, I'm sure, involves the utilization of both technologies.
The THAT computer is a great open source project and you don't have to spend a ton of money.
It looks like an easy introduction to analog technology.
So whats the difference between an analog and a digital computer?
The word analog comes from the word analogous or analogy.
An analogy is a comparison between one thing and another.
In a analog computer the comparison might be between the motion of a wheel and the
the rise and fall of a tide or changes in voltages and a weather model.
Digital computers, in comparison, use digits ... 
typically 0 or 1, on/off, true/false. 
Remember that analog and digital computers can be either mechanical or electrical.
For example, an abacus is digital.
A slide rule is analog.
Analog computers are relatively simple, use little power and are excellent at solving 
complex problems & differential equations. 
I doubt the THAT computer on its own, will be able to make music, but you should
certainly be able to interface it with a Serge or eurorack modular. 
Though I haven't tried this a disclaimer if you do:
Do so at your own risk.

Anyway, I think this is an incredibly useful educational tool.
Moore's Law is reaching its limits. Quantum computing is only just beginning.
Maybe the near future of computing will involve hybrid analog/digital machines. 
"There are more ways to solve a problem than the algorithmic approach". (Bernd Ulmann).

The THAT computer uses bananas. So I hope I'll find a use for this in some modular synths.
I'm not sure what size bananas it uses. Serge use 4mm diameter.
This might be 2mm ? 

Anabrid also make the Model-1 analog computer
and are working on building a analog computer that will fit on a chip.


1 comment:

  1. instagram: giorgiosancristoforo
    I saw this guy has already combined it with serge. I also ordered one and hope to see more info on it.
