Saturday 8 October 2022

Elk Elektroniks - meeting 08/10/22

 Some pics from yesterday's synth meeting.
Thanks Ed for hosting.


Thanks Robert.

One interesting bit I learnt was the art of starving a module (on purpose) of power.
Eg reducing the current on a +12v rail to push certain parts of the circuit and create new noise.
Flight of harmony -- famine 250 & 500

"What is Famine?
Famine is a voltage-controlled power starvation module, a teasing taste of electronic death – with the ever-present threat of the real thing. Your system will squeal, stutter, fuzz, and shriek, in new ways as you torture it while discovering the sublime joys of Schadenfreude".(FOH)
(Schadenfreude = pleasure derived by someone from another person's misfortune.)


The visuals were all done using a rasberry pi and some midi controllers.

Looks like a cool project for the future. Thanks Paul G.

A performance on the digitak - Elektron. Demo and discussion of the new firmware with song mode.

A new term:
Stochastic Sequencer
Stochastic meaning “having a random probability distribution”
It makes melodies based on your input of how much you want of each note... So you can, for example, make a melody in E minor by cranking up the E, a bit of B, a dash of G and F#,etc.
Then set it to do its thing.
This is the Si Sig (Stochastic Inspiration Generator)
Other examples are:
Reaper’s Stochasticizer
Vermona Melodicer
Stochastic Sequencer module for VCV Rack
TEIA  also made a Stochastic Function Generator Eurorack Module.
I think its out of production but it  generaterated random values between two settings. 
Can loop like an LFO or fire on a gate in either AD or AHD modes. 
It had a Toggle switch  which selected 3 speed ranges.

The next meeting is scheduled for November in Wollongong.
Check the Elk Elektroniks facebook page for details and updates.

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