Friday 7 April 2023

Lindos - Greece

Leaving Rhodes for Lindos.
Its a short 2 hr journey from Rhodes

Lindos is a small town located on the east coast of the Greek island of Rhodes. It is known for its stunning natural beauty, rich history, and beautiful beaches. Lindos has a history that dates back to ancient times, and the town is famous for its impressive acropolis that sits atop a rocky outcrop overlooking the sea.

The acropolis of Lindos is one of the most important ancient sites in Greece. It was built on a natural rock outcrop, and it contains the remains of a temple, a theater, and various other structures that date back to the Hellenistic period. 

On the summit of the Lindos Acropolis are the ruins of the goddess Athena Lindia, temples from the 4th century BC As well as the Propylaea, the great Hellenistic Stoa and the Byzantine chapel of Saint John.

This carving of a ship into the rockface is supposed to be by Pythokritos - the same sculptor who made the "Victory de Samothrance" in The Louvre. I haven't found much info about Pythokritos. So I'm not sure if this info is correct.

One of my guides said that a statue of Poseidon originally stood on the deck of the ship, symbolising Lindo's naval superiority. However other sources state that on the bow stood a statue of General Hagesander Mikkion.

Maybe the association between these two sculptors is the ship.
The Victory of S stands on the prow of a ship.

The ship bears traces of paint. Dated to approx 180-170BC.


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