Saturday 2 March 2024

AVR Programming -- AVRDude etc

 Some notes on how to upload a hex file using AVRdude.
AVRdude is a program to upload or download to on-chip memories of Microchips AVR suit of Microcontrollers.

You can also use something like this:
or this:

Here we are using a 6-pin TPI
The interface is typically used for programming tinyAVR.

The 6 pins are MISO, +5V, MOSI, GND, RST, SCK  
It only requires power, ground, data, clock, and a reset pin
MISO = Pin 1 

Background to AVR microcontroller pogramming
When AVR microcontrollers were first introduced in 1995, Programming was simple.
There was just one programming method (Serial Programming Interface or SPI).
This used 5 x 2 10-pin target  .
There are a few alternative type of  pin targets that I sometimes see.
Common are:

6-pin PDI
The 6-pin PDI is used for programming AVR XMEGA.
This is the programming interface available on all ATxmega microcontrollers,  
It is functionally the same as ATtiny TPI interface and uses the same two pins – RESET for clock and a dedicated pin for programming data.

6-pin TPI
The interface is typically used for programming tinyAVR.
It stands for tiny programming interface
The devices that use this are ATtiny10, ATtiny102, ATtiny104, ATtiny20, ATtiny4, ATtiny40, ATtiny5 and ATtiny9.

The module below is a Duskwork self-tuning VCO
 tHE red stripe goes to the top --- MISO
+ Microcontroller... What you need to program a MCU

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