Saturday 26 November 2016

Fairlight Synth - Initial pics

Thought I'd upload some pics while this baby is behaving.
At times she has a mind of her own.:-)

This is the first page you will see when the Fairlight boots: Page 1, the Index.

Page 2: Disk Control
Provides a directory of all the files currently loaded.
Type P2<return>  to access page 2.
Files with the ending ".VC" are voice or sound files.
Files that end in ".IN" are instrument files.

Type L,A,filename<return> to load a file.

eg to load a file named GONG1.VC
type L,A,GONG1 <return>
You don't need to add the .VC after the file name. 

 Typing L,A,filename<return>
actually loads the voice file into registry A.
There are 8 registries named A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H

So to load a voice file into registry B type:
(after you have selected registry B)

This is Page 6
Page 6 (Waveform drawing) can be accessed by typing P6<return>

This page allows direct drawing of audio waveforms using a lightpen.

This is page 7 (Control Parameters)
This allows you to set, modify & control the parameters for each sound file such as the volume, attack, decay, portomento, etc

You can of course reach this page by typing P7.
And finally the famous "Page D"

It's the Voice Waveform Display.
You reach it by typing "PD<return>"
Page D shows a 3D picture of the waveforms of any voice.

There are 2 formats:
A (above) and B (below)
Format B has a much higher resolution than Format A, but is less "3D" in appearance.

To Display a waveform:

select Format A type " DA<return>"
select Format B type "DB<return>"

select (new) End Segment Type "D,e<return>"
select (new) End Seg & step Type D,e,s<return>"

where e = end segment number (32.64,128 only)
where s = step value (1,2,4 & 8)


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