Wednesday 22 May 2024

LD Rama - build notes 2

These are the 2nd part of my build notes for the LDRama.
Part one is here:
It's a 28 light sensor eurorack module.

The module converts light to control voltages.
Andrew F said it was intended to face a 5x2 inch video monitor (phone) but you can really use it in other ways.

There is a 100k pot to set the range.
Generally tweak this so the LEDs are turning on and off but are not at full brightness all of the time. 
You can also patch in an external signal, such as a CV from a sequencer, and process this thru the LDRs.

The outputs are taken from each set of 4 LDRs, the top half of the screen, bottom half, left half, right half, left third, centre third, right third and everything.

The concept for this module is not entirely novel, the Journal of Experimental Music suggested gluing LDRs to tv screens back in the 70s.


Attach the B100 k linear taper Pot and jacks and LEDs first .. before the sensors.

I'm using 5mm red LEDs

Leave the LDR sensors till the last.

Time to put the LDRs in.
The LDR leads should go in vertically, not horizontally. 

Straighten the legs of the LDRs as much as possible, then put them in.
Start in the middle of the bottom row . Then once you've done the middle row
works towards the sides. 

Bend the LDR legs once they are in position.

It is tricky to see the leads when peering into the narrow
gap between the PCB and the panel 

Finally there

Initial tests:
1. POT control 
The 100k pot to sets the range.
Tweak this so the LEDs are turning on and off but are not at full brightness all of the time.

2. LFO input

3. LDR tests using my hand

You can find more NLC builds here.

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