Tuesday 21 May 2024

NLC - Fourier - build notes... part 1

These are my build notes for the Nonlinear Circuits Fourier module
Its a eurorack  format 24 HP module.
Its a big build.

This module is based on an article presented by E. Muller (Jan 1983 Elektor link to archive.org)
BTW this Elektor magazine is a great resource of info.

"the process of decomposing a function into oscillatory components is often called Fourier analysis, while the operation of rebuilding the function from these pieces is known as Fourier synthesis." Wikipedia.

Fourier synthesis is the process of building a particular wave shape by adding sine and cosine waves.
The module  follows the basic principles of Fourier Synthesis, with the pots (or inputs) allowing 
control of 7 sine and 8 cosine signals. These are supposedly the harmonics of the initial signal. “Supposedly” because, the waves are not pure sinewaves, rather stepped pulse waves.
This synthesis technique is also called additive synthesis.

You can use it for Fourier Synthesis or as a sequencer/pattern generator.
 If you are into shifting soundscapes and drones, this is a great tool.


CD4029 2 Mouser Part No: 595-CD4029BM96

DG406 or DG506 (usually cheaper) x 2 
Mouser Part No:781-DG506BEW-T1-GE3

I ordered the 781-DG506BEW-T1-GE3 ... about $8 each

TL072 or TL082 1 Soic Tayda: A-1139
TL074 or TL084 10 tayda A-1137 or A-1140
LL4148 6 sod-80 Tayda: A-1213

To be continued.....
Part 2 is here:

You can find more NLC builds here.

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