You can see my full build thread HERE
There are two awesome TTSH threads in Muffs.
2600 clone - Two Thousand Six Hundred (TTSH)
Two Thousand Six Hundred (TTSH) Project General Build Thread
The DSL-Man site has a very good TTSH thread
And of course the official build thread is here
The 2nd VCO has four waveforms: sine, pulse, saw, ramp.
It's my favoutite VCO
Rear panel view
Front panel view for VCO 2
First install resistors, IC sockets, MTAs if you like.
Install trim-pots, caps, etc.
This is a ultrarare transistor.
3.5mm jacks The one on the left is from Thonk.
The PJ301BM jack from Thonk on the left is ideal for the TTSH project.
This is a ultrarare transistor.
3.5mm jacks The one on the left is from Thonk.
The one on the right is a standard (modified my me) 3.5mm jack.
It's simpler just to get the ones from Thonk.
The jack needs to be installed on the sine VCO. Then test with your scope for the relevant waveforms.
You will need a 2N3906 & 2N5172.
The 2N3906 a common PNP bipolar junction transistor.
The 2N5172 is a NPN.
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