Thursday 14 March 2019

NLC GENiE - build notes

These are my build notes for the Genie Eurorack module.
Its from nonlinear circuits in Western Australia.
The video shows an earlier version of the Genie
I guess you can describe it as an audio distortion / manglier / effects processor, 
Though it also works with CV.
You can input both CV and Audio at the same time.

It's pretty wild and uncontrolled.

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The name is from the computerdescribed in the 1964 Keith Laumer novelThe Great Time Machine Hoax, although this module differs in ability (can’t time travel or get married ..... afaik), the name is quite suitable
Andrew has been experimenting with these circuits for many years.
I have some early versions of this in 4U format. They mesh really well with my serge.
The difference rectifier is the second last "module" on the right.
There are 4 neuron's in the panel below

IT's BASICALLY 3 neuron circuits and a difference rectifier.
You only need 1 signal input. but there are actually 10 input jacks.
It seems that the five top inputs are duplicated.
In1, In 1/2, In2, In2/3, In3
4  of the inputs are shared ... in1/2 and in2/3

This allows you to feed the same signals to neurons 1&2 and neurons 2&3.

The Difference Rectifier compares the outputs of neurons 1&3 to the output of neuron 2.
It can be used to process audio, CV, anything really.

There are 5 outputs
The +/- outs are your difference rectifier outputs


How to use this?
I basically feed lots of inputs (Audio & CV) into any of the top 10 jacks and then see what comes
out from the bottom 5 outputs.

On with the build:

I'll use 10K RL resistors (x3)

All pots are B100k (x9)

So what is a  difFerence rectifier ??
It is described by Andrew thus:
"This circuit is a hybrid of two basic op amp ‘building blocks’ .....a difference circuit and a rectifier.
 It takes the outputs from the neurons and supplies a signal that is the difference between them"

The NLC module uses two standard 1n4148 signal diodes for this rectifier circuit.

"Basically the circuit compares the voltage on the ‘-‘ inputs with the voltages on the ‘+’ inputs. (on the 072 op-amp). The difference between these voltages is fed to the outputs. If the difference is positive  it appears on the ‘+’ output, if the difference is negative it appears on the ‘-‘ output. Again, a great way to mix boring CVs to get something interesting, audio frequency wave - shaping. "
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