Wednesday 19 February 2020

Deluge - Clip view

Exploring how to adjust the endpoint of your loop once you have recorded it into the deluge.

I've recorded a Synthesizer engine clip and Kit clip
into the deluge's looper..

The steps to record the loop are here:
1. Song view
2. press any pad 1 - 16 in a row
3. use kit view
4. set a drum or synth loop
5. select your tempo
6. press song
7. in the row below
    a. press 1-16 + select
    b. LEARN + 1-16 --  mix
    c. hit select
8. Rec + Launch (2nd row) -- check arm status
    Flashing purple or red is OK
9. press REC
10. Press play
11. Press Launch to stop
See this previous post for a video

Once you have done this, you can explore clip view.

Basically, if you push the clip/track button
it will display whatever is in the clip.
If its a synth or drum kit, then the sequence of notes will be displayed.
If its an audio clip, then the waveform will be displayed.

This is a clip view (different from waveform view)
Touching the vertical row while in clip view will light up a line of red buttons.
This is the end point of the loop.
Touching anywhere left will move the end point .. in effect shortening the loop.

If the clip length doesn't fit into the bar length, use the SHIFT + LEFT/RIGHT knob to adjust.

The Custom 1 button/knob will change the pitch of the audio clip
SETTING loop points

The Blue line is the start of the loop

I'm still new with the version 3 firmware so do let me know if there are any mistakes, omissions or errors.

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