Saturday 6 October 2018

LZX Cyclops - Lazer projector interface

Last night at the NewSoundWaves meeting I was mesmerized by the LZX Cyclops in action.

Many thanks to our fearless leader, Ilya for the demo.

This module converts EuroRack modular signals to the International Laser Display Association (ILDA) specification for laser show projectors.

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My understanding is that the computer control signal is convertered to ILDA by a Digital Analogue Converter (DAC), also called "ILDA Interface", combined with laser software.
The ILDA control signal uses a very dense transmission structure, as it has to control every single color change and every re-positioning of the scanner. This is entirely different to the DMX system which transmits only low level information.

There are 5 channels:
The X and Y CV inputs accept different ranges of signals: (+/-5V)
The red, green & blue takes 0-5V.
Each CV input has a dedicated attenuator and bias knob for precise modulation control, and both the X and Y inputs feature switches for inverting the CV.
There are selectable low-pass filters on X & Y channels with settings for 20KPPS and 30KPPS projectors & filter bypass.
Finally, a master scale knob allows for the adjustment of the overall projection size. Patching oscillators (especially quadrature VCOs) into the modules CV inputs allows for the creation of oscillographics and lissajous curves".

 The module uses a standard DB25 serial connector port.

+ LZX official page
+ Lazer software
+ NewSoundWaves Facebook

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