A bit about vector rescanning
I've been trying to accomplish vector rescanning for years.Never really successfully.
Part of the problem I think has been my early confusion & lack of understanding of the different types of oscilloscopes, vectorscopes & waveform monitors (and I'm still learning).
Living in Australia, doesn't make it easier to find old working scopes from the 70's and 80's and attempts of posting them from the USA usually ends in tears. Postmen seem to love throwing delicate analog instruments around in their truck. I lost 3 scopes this way.
Two that have survived the rigours of FedEx & Australia post are the Tektronix T922 and 465B
Lovely scopes that I use all the time for standard audio waveform measurements .... but not 100% successful for Rutt-Etra stuff.
Tektronix T922
Tektronix T922 rear with z axis input.
Tektronix 465B
The two models that often come up in the various forums as working well for vector rescanning are the
Leader LBO 51MAC, and the Tektronix 620 .
(Unconfirmed ... Leader LBO-514A & Tektronix 608)

I just purchased this on ebay. It hasn't arrived yet, & I'm waiting with anticipation to see if it survives the trip.
And of course, there is the vectrex.
My understanding is that the vectrex isn't prefect for vector rescanning as it does not have the bandwidth ....but it kinda works in limited ways
It is better suited for lower frequency oscillographics.
However, if you still want to do vector rescanning you need:
1.Video Input to extract luma from your video source
2. H & V ramps generator .
Thus if you are using Cadet modules you only need one Ramps, a Sync Gen and an Input.
A LZX visual cortex (VC) has all of this.
Connect the horizontal ramp to the X, the vertical ramp to Y and the luma output (of the VC or the VideoInput) to the Z.
The Rutt/Etra Video Synthesizer is an analog raster manipulation device built in 1972 for image processing and real-time animation. The Rutt/Etra was co-invented by Steve Rutt and Bill Etra.
+ Muffs- vector modification
+ Vectrex Hackaday
+ Hacking a vectrex - Lumpybanger
+ Zektor - using the vectrex monitor
+ Muffs - vector rescanning for dummies
+ Muffs - good oscilloscope for vector rescanning
+ Rutt-cadetra blog
+ Rutt/Etra Video Synthesizer Demo (1974) youtube
+ Rutt-Etra-izer
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